Expanding Horizons in Chamber Music

LuKaS Orchestra

Lunds Kammarsolister (LuKaS) is one of Sweden's most innovative chamber music ensembles.

Their debut album, Britten: Les Illuminations & Debussy: Ariettes Oubliées & Clair de Lune, earned a 2022 Grammis nomination for Classical Album of the Year and they won Lund's Cultural Prize that same year.

Founded in 2016, LuKaS, based in Lund, explores new musical territories and combines tradition with innovation.

A notable highlight is their collaboration with the French ensemble Le Balcon and conductor Maxime Pascal, focusing on the Swedish Ballet and 1920s Paris. The performance was acclaimed by Dagens Nyheter and Sydsvenskan, and broadcast on Swedish Radio P2.

Other collaborations include violinist Johan Dalene, soprano Sofie Asplund, actress Stina Ekblad, mezzo-soprano Emma Sventelius, and folk duo Hazelius Hedin.

LuKaS continues to redefine classical music presentation, reaching audiences far beyond traditional boundaries.

• Recipient of the Lund Cultural Award 2023

• Swedish Grammy Nominee 2022

When LuKaS uses the tonality of popular culture to convey the expression of chamber music, something very unique happens. Over the past year, they have attracted attention to Lund through their Grammy nomination, concert collaborations with the French ensemble Le Balcon, Stina Ekblad, and many others.
— Christian Gehrmann, Culture and Leisure Committee in Lund


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Our projects

LuKaS at Skissernas is a concert series where Lund's Chamber Soloists explore music history through performances of both classical and contemporary works. The series has featured composers like Schubert, Buxtehude, Bach, Stockhausen, and Sibelius, highlighting connections between past and present. With more concerts planned, the series remains a vital part of the city's cultural life.

LuKaS Session Strings is a series of regular recording sessions in Malmö/Lund, where arrangers, songwriters, and producers can access high-quality string recordings featuring some of Scandinavia's top musicians, arrangers, and engineers.

Lund Indie Chamber Festival is a dynamic event that merges tradition with innovation, featuring a diverse program of classical masterpieces, modern compositions, and experimental works performed by both local and international artists, and continually pushing the boundaries of chamber music.

Contact & Collaboration

Interested in collaborating with Lunds Kammarsolister (LuKaS) for your next music project? Reach out to us now!

We look forward to bringing your musical vision to life!